Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Being Thankful

We can all find things to be thankful for this year. Even though this has been a difficult year for me, I am still so very blessed. I have a nice home (even tho' it's topsy turvy now because of the remodel), a sweet ride, two children that drive me crazy, and a wonderful man that loves and accepts me for who I am, and does his very best to spoil me. We are so blessed with wonderful, supporting friends and family, careers we enjoy, and a faith that stabilizes our crazy lives. So, take a moment this Thanksgiving and find one thing for which you are truly thankful.


Art said...

I am thankful for you!

butterflygirl said...

There are so many things in my life that are blessings for which I am truly thankful. Happy thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

My reasons for being thankful sound very much like yours. God is so good!

Mona said...


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Stace :)