Friday, January 18, 2008

For My Husband

Love Ya Babe!


Art said...

Will you buy me Rogaine? Ba ha ha ha. That's nice, though, thank you.

Ps - the clowns were a nice touch too 8D

Shionge said...

You are so sweet Stacie :D All the best to both of you always!

j said...

Hey Stacie - Very sweet. Darling Daughter and I are blog hopping and we want to know what it is like being married to Keiffer? :) Enjoyed the video (12 year olds call it weird, though). I am going to plunder your site now and get to know you. - Jennifer and Em

j said...

The answer to that little question in your head? Yes, I am stalking you actually. OK so I would like to visit again but I have a question - Can a Vols fan and a BAMA fan be blog friends? We like the same type of movies and ELVIS, man! (I am posed with his little helper in front of the Graceland sign! ) And the BEATLES? My one true musical love. See? Alot in common. But Orange, and Crimson, living in perfect harmony? give me your thoughts on this. :) Jennifer

j said...

Look at 'em, three comments in a row. Just had to know, have you watched Across the Universe yet? A BIT weird but the music was just delish. I know you love the fab four too, so I wanted to touch base. Have a good week - Jennifer

Shionge said...

Happy Valentine's Day Stace :D