I am not overly fond of animals. Ok, to be honest, I'm not an animal lover at all, it's not that I despise them, I find them cute, from afar... or in pictures. Especially in pictures. I've always had a healthy respect for them, some might call it fear, I prefer healthy respect. I leave them alone, they leave me alone and that's how I like it. Until tonight! I am so angry! I was driving along on my way home from a very hard days work, when out of the blue, out jumped a deer from a field, strking my car on the driver's side near the door. I was freaked out! Now, living in the country and passing a state park full of deer, I'm always on the lookout, but this happened in an area where I've never seen them before and it freaked me out! It's a good thing the children weren't with me, I would've needed a censor! I didn't realize how bad I was hit until I tried to exit my vehicle after arriving home and the door wouldn't open all the way. I didn't dare try to force it open for fear of damaging it further, so how did I exit? Well, I had to hike one leg up and over the gear shift, swing the other leg over and exit the passenger side. Not an easy task for a big girl, let me tell you! So, now I have to go through the whole insurance rigamarole and be without a vehicle for who knows how long. What fun! Why can't they just stay in the meadow like good old Bambi?

Wonderful news (^).
That's not a good thing, but it could have been much worse. Consider yourself blessed that you walked away from a potentially bad situation.
I always try to watch for deer when driving in the evening (and Laura has had her share of close calls), but I learned that they will roam the highways any time of day. While still living in Texas, I was on my way to work one morning and crested a hill (while driving just a little bit over the speed limit) just as a herd of six deer darted into the road in front of me...and I was driving our little old Honda at the time (no protection at all!). Fortunately, the brakes on the Honda were in terrific shape, and the shoulder was wide!
There definitely isn't as much room in the front seat of cars nowadays like there used to be.
You are probably not thinking this, but you are lucky. Could have been much worse. Cars can be fixed.
Hey, at least you COULD get out of the car and you weren't hurt. I never realized how much damage a cute, little deer can do!!
I was just reading Art, and I too, thought of Bryan adams and Prince!!!
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