We got a new computer! I am so excited. I have wanted a lap-top forever and now I've got one. Well, I should say WE have one. Even tho my husband keeps referring to it as my computer, it belongs to both of us and I intended on him using it. So, here's what I'm typing on right now.

This bad boy has got to last us for YEARS!! And to that end, the children aren't allowed to touch it, or look at it or even breathe on it. And I'm sure they'll do as I've instructed. Yeah right,.. who am I kidding?? Just myself.
Edit: I totally forgot to mention that gorgeous, amazing, albeit strange Greek God of a man who installed my wireless capabilities. Thanks honey!!
Hi Stacie...this is so cool :) We only one computer at home and I 'struggle' to use it coz my daughter would usually spend a long time.
Hey..about the bubble game, I'll try to send it to you. Can you email me your email address? My email is shionge@hotmail.com Do you have MSN chat? We could chat online sometimes?
Have an nice day and have fun with the new lap top :)
i didn't know that HP made a mac... don't all blogging families have a mac? something seems wrong here. &:~)
No Macs here... but isn't that the same company that makes the cool digital music players???
BTW, Stacie, you forgot to mention that the dashing techno-geek set up your wireless LAN for you!
Ah, how wonderful!!!
Now, a bit of advice: to make your laptop last longer, do not do what my wonderful son did last year. He and his roommate were cleaning out their cars before heading off to their job for the day. The Son placed his laptop (not in its case) on top of the car...and forgot about it. After they left and turned onto the highway, they looked back when they heard something slide off the car. Laptop was in the middle of the road, directly in the path of a very large dump truck. Fast U-turn, but not fast enough. Tiny little laptops are no match for big, bad dump trucks. Surprisingly, the hard drive still worked and he was able to retrieve all his data (unlike us with our crashed drive, but that's another story).
Expensive lesson.
So who's this Greek guy?... and should I be worried???
Whoa! Is he blushing yet?
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