About Me

- Stace
- I am a 30-something wife and mother of 2 living in southern rural Tennessee. I am gregarious, outgoing, opinionated, blah blah blah... these things are crap! Who can write about themselves in 1200 characters? You'll get to know me thru the blog.
Supergirl's Musings
Da.da.da.da.... it's the Supergirl!
Thank you for sharing all the beautiful flowers Stacie :) I love flowers too
Did you say Mom's yard looks like English garbage??? You might be right! But the flowers are nice;)
Ooooh, photos of flowers at night! Interesting...and really pretty.
Irises are one of my favorite flowers, which is frustrating since they don't grow here in Florida. If you decide to post more pictures of fully-opened irises, that would be fine with me! ;)
vicki - once my father in law saw what I was doing, he told my mother in law to remind him to tell me when the yellow iris bloomed out again so I could make more photos. So, more will be coming. I promise! :)
Art - I would NEVER... NEVER say anything of your mother's looked like garbage!
Shionge - glad you liked them!
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