Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm No Superwoman!


I try to be all things to all people. I take pride in what I do and I try to always do my very best. I love my husband, I love my children, heck I even love my job, but lately, it's getting very hard, downright impossible to get all the things I need to get done completed. I work a 40+hr work week at a job that I really love, then try to come home and help two children finish their homework, one of whom has "issues". And trying to figure out what to feed them for supper is another ordeal. God help me if I can get people motivated to help with the little things like laundry, or dishes, or even clean a bathroom. My hardwood hasn't been swept or mopped in weeks, and let's not even discuss the inch thick dust on my tv, piano, and other furniture! Now, I'm trying to do water aerobics three nights a week to get healthier, and then there's church on Wednesday's so now I've got somewhere to go every night of the week. Figure in that I play the piano at church three Sundays a month, so I've got to work in some practice time, in addition to planning for other events at church. Keep in mind I'm doing all this pretty much alone because my husband works this crazy shift from late afternoon til past midnight, so forget any "alone" time with him or even any family time! That stinks! All I know is that something needs to change or I'm gonna lose my freakin mind!

Superwoman, I ain't!


Art said...

Yes you are!

Anonymous said...

Stacie, no one ever said that you needed to be Superwoman. As long as no one is starving, dead or dying, then a little dust, a meal of sandwiches or leftovers, and perhaps even re-wearing a pair of underwear won't hurt anyone.

One of these days, the kids will grow up and leave and it'll be just you and Art again...and you won't remember that you didn't sweep the'll remember that you enjoyed the time you spent with the kids and you'll wish for more.

Oh, wait...perhaps I'm talking about me.

At any rate, I'm very proud of you for taking some time out of your too-busy schedule to get in some "me-time" and work on improving your health and life! Hang in there, gal!

j said...

You wear a LOT of hats! I am going to pray for you. I wish that I could help you in a more physical way - I would so sweep, mop, and dust for you.. I promise I would. But as that is not an option I will pray that our Heavenly Father will meet your needs.

Hang in there Stacie.

j said...

Hey Stace. I am so sorry for the loss of your Uncle Clifton. I will say a prayer for your family.

Be blessed.

doodlebugmom said...

I can relate to so many things you say. Forget superwoman. Where did we women ever get the idea we had to do it all? Sure my grandma had a spotless house, but she didn't have a fulltime job along with the kids and volunteer work, and and and....