I'm down in my back again....ARGH!! I've been to the chiropractor, but I'm still sore, very sore. I've been on and off the ice for days, sleeping on the reclining couch, and doing the 'nursing home shuffle'. But, I have had the absolute best care from my wonderful husband. He'd do everything for me, if I would let him. I have this stubborn, independent streak, and I don't want to be a burden to him or ever take advantage of his support. I can't ever express in words how fabulous he is to me, but I can relate what our son said. Last night, Art asked if he could get anything for me, or do anything for me and I said no. So, Tad says, "Dad, you're such a wonderful husband. I hope that I'm as good to my wife as you are to Mom." What a sweetheart my child is... he takes after his dad of course.
Two sweet, caring men in your family... you're a lucky woman! Uh, except where your back is concerned, that is. I really, really hope it improves soon, or I'll have to send Doc's wonderful little pamphlet your way - "The Healthy Back Book." It has helped him immensely over the years. (With the bicycle accident a couple of months ago, he acquired another great pamphlet called, "The Healthy Shoulder Book!") Of course, I have no idea which box that booklet is in...
That is great that Tad has such a wonderful father as a role model. Hope you're feeling better soon.
You're right, Girls... I'm a very lucky woman. And thanks for the get well wishes, I'm feeling a bit better, it's a slow process.
Your family is so sweet! You are blessed Stacie.
I hope that you are feeling better soon.
(blushing) Thank you. I hope your (2nd) trip to chiropractor helps!
So sorry to hear this Stace, be careful and don't stress yourself up ya!
Take care and I'm sure Art will take good care of you.
ah that sucks. i had/have a bad back from pulling some muscles moving furniture and then again in a volleyball game. it stinks. it helped me to go to a massage therapist. she did some stuff & stretches that relieved a lot of the stress on the bones and nerve endings.
feel better. tell art to get outside and work.
Praying you feel better soon! What a wonderful example Art is setting for Tad!
I can't think of anything more profound to come out of a kid's mouth....to hear your son say that....WOW!!!
you ARE a very lucky woman Stace...
I am sorry about your back. Mine bothers me too. I think it is arthritis but at my age it could be most anything.
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Abraham Lincoln in brookville, Ohio.
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