Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I Love My Husband

I love my husband. And I am the luckiest girl in the world because he picked me to be his girl, but... there are those moments (Ladies, you know what I'm talking about). Those moments when he thinks he's being "cute". So, Sunday morning in church he has one of those "moments". Let me set the stage here, some of you may remember that I have a slight problem with aging. Well, my birthday is coming up at the end of this week, so knowing that, my husband has his moment. During our prayer concern time, our Pastor invites the congregation to share thoughts, joys, and concerns, so my sweet, wonderful husband raises his cute, ginormous hand and as he is recognized by the Pastor says, and I quote, "We need to remember those who are turning a year older this week and are having a hard time with it". Well, the congregation roars with laughter and my best friend says, "oh no, he's done it now.... she's cuttin them eyes at you, you're in trouble now, Art". Meanwhile, her husband, who's birthday is the day after mine and who I am constantly aggravating, but whom I love dearly is choking because he's laughing so hard. Even the Pastor is cracking up, all I can do is shake my head and sigh.
I.Love.My.Husband. God bless him.


Art said...

At least I didn't mention the number...

Anonymous said...

Oh, my.

Art, good thing you didn't mention the number...that's asking for serious trouble, my friend.

Stacie, I'm with you. I dislike birthdays - I don't like getting older, I don't like admitting my age, and I don't like being the center of attention. (By the way, in case I forget later this week, Happy Birthday!)

Afterthought: I guess I won't really forget - I'm sure your loving hubby will remind us all. ;)

doodlebugmom said...

Happy Birthday early! Shame on Art!

Art said...

Shame on me??? It was a sincere prayer. Maybe I should have prayed for THE SPOUSES OF those who are turning a year older this week and are having a hard time with it ;)

BTW, my hands are not ginormous, they are only slightly freakishly largish...

Stace said...

Art - you didn't say the number cuz you had to go home with me and let's not mention that your priveleges would've been taken away. ;)

Vicki - Oh I don't mind being the center of attention.... in fact, I kind of relish it, and I love having my birthday cuz I get all the presents (I am so vain), it's just the meaning... that whole adding a year thing... it sucks! And when folks say "It's just a number" or "it's better than the alternative"... I just wanna smack them!

doodlebugmom - thanks :)

Art - slightly freakishly large = ginormous

Carolanne said...

Well I love having birthdays just so I can have my friends around all at the same time but don't like being the centre of attention. I would rather give gifts than receive them and I don't like surprises but I do like birthdays. Go figure.

Anyway, happy birthday at the end of the week - what day is it actually on? Mine is on the 8th <-- the day I go back to work and have to go to a meeting after work. Yay. Fun way to celebrate.

butterflygirl said...

You are very blessed to have him in your life.

Stace said...

Carolanne - I, too, love to give gifts, course that also entails shopping.. which I love as well. My b'day is the 6th, hope you have a happy one yourself and I won't even ask you what number it is ;)

butterfly girl.... yes, I truly am blessed.. thank you!

Shionge said...

This is so sweet and blessed both of you always.

Happy Birthday in advance from me Stace :D

Carolanne said...

Well you could ask - after all, it's just a number. LOL

Actually, the way I see birthdays is just an extra excuse to celebrate with friends and look back and see how blessed I truly am.

Having said that, I've been alive a bit longer than you. (Just a teeny, weeny bit - assuming you're younger than your husband.)

Art said...

She is *MUCH* younger than me ;)