That was great television. Still is. Would you believe there's been a Bible Study built around that wonderful show? There has. And my church will begin this study tomorrow night. With ME, yes ME as the leader. (Yes, the pastor is out of town, and yes he's out of his mind asking me to fill in.)
So, the basic premise of this study is that you view one episode of the show and some scripture is inserted in between some of the scenes and then there's discussion time afterwards. The episode we'll be watching is entitled "High Noon in Mayberry". Briefly, Andy receives a letter from an ex-con that he was in a gun fight with years ago in which Andy wounded the man in the leg, thereby rendering his leg lame. In this letter, the ex-con informs Andy that he'll be coming to Mayberry to set things straight between them, well, as usual Barney jumps the gun and assumes the man is coming to hurt Andy and deputises Gomer and Otis. In the end, the con and Andy meet, Andy finds out he's been reformed thanks to their run in and comes to thank him. Barney and the boys stake out Andy's house, cut the power, and end up tied together on Andy's living room floor. The study focuses on worry and about how we deal with problems in our lives. How we sometimes are like Barney, frantically worrying and blowing things out of proportion but that we should be more like Andy, concerned, but believing and trusting that things will work out and giving over to God our fears.
I hope and pray that this goes over well and that I'm able to do it justice. I'll let you know how it goes.
It sounds to me as if you're already off to a good start. What an interesting use of a really good [old] show. Please share with us - as you're able - how this goes.
You'll do well! I have a feeling your pastor knew what he was doing by asking you to lead this.
You'll do fine. Too bad there aren't more shows like this available today.
I know you'll do great. And if it doesn't go well, with the Andy Griffith material, you can use my Invitation to Romans videos ;)
good luck and have fun
I believe you will be fine!! And if it doesn't go well, just leap up and begin shouting, "Citizen's arreyast, Citizens arreyast!"
I'd pay money to see that. :)
thanks, ya'll for all the well wishes. much obliged.
My brother's church did this bible study a few years ago, and my sister-in-law really liked it. Have fun!
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