So, the vacation bible school event at Harris Chapel UMC has come and gone. Thank goodness. I say that as a very tired VBS Director. I didn't really want to take on the task of director this year for a variety of reasons, but I can never tell my pastor "no", so once again I took charge and got everything organized. This year was much better than past years because the time was shorter and we still managed to get every story told. We had Joseph, Mary, Martha, and Jesus, and Peter. Stories we've not learned about in vbs curriculum previously. It takes a village to put this shindig together and I must give a shout out to my wonderful husband, who pretty much acted out every bible story. I, too, got in on the storytelling action by portraying Mary to his Jesus while our very good friend played Martha. Our friend was a little perturbed at me because her part was very long while all I had to do was act like I was cleaning up, answer the door when Jesus knocked and say "Why hello Jesus, I'm so glad to see you. I'm so excited you've come to visit us, won't you please sit down and relax". Whew...I didn't think I'd remember my lines. Art, fabulous as always, came inside, greeted everyone, sat down and we pretty much just talked to ourselves for the rest of the storytelling time. As you can see by this picture, Jesus (Art) appears to be laughing while I am seated at his feet holding my broom. I figure this was when Jesus asked Mary where she got her 1st century red broom and I said at the downtown Jerusalem Wal-Mart of course. I'm not sure why Jesus thought this was funny, but oh well. Have I mentioned how relieved I am that VBS is over?
Wow! Look at those legs!
I'm so proud of Art for doing his part and helping you with VBS. I know it's a major undertaking!
Thanks, Vicki. Thanks Dear, but we all know that Jesus wasn't a 40 year old blonde guy in a recycled baptismal gown...sitting on a metal folding chair, no less.
Suffice it to say that my acting career won't be taking off any time soon! (But if Val Kilmer can be Moses, I suppose there's still a glimmer of hope for me;)
Stacie, however, portrayed a wonderful Mary. Innate acting ability aside, your post tells why.
i too am glad when vbs is over. &:~)
Great picture. Looks like you did a great job.
How exciting Stace :D Hope it'll turn out well and wonder if you could all post it online for us to see after the play?
Have a good week ahead.
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