Well, I've finished my "dialogue" for Laity Sunday and now it's time for vacation. As previously stated, my darling husband is taking me away for my birthday this weekend to our favorite, and most special place. This is a weekend without children, I might add. I, for one, cannot wait. It's been too long since we've gone away just the two of us, yes, I'll miss the children, but sometimes, we need alone time to "recharge". This is where we're going ...
This is what I plan on doing, well among other things..
Try not to be too jealous... ha! See you all when I get back...
Someone asked me the other day how long it had been since we'd been away together. Other than a one might trip to the 'Boro, all I could think of is "Way too long!".
Happy birthday!
Have an awesome trip and a happy birthday!
Hey, I've been told to wish you a Happy B-day!!!! So, Happy B-day! :)
today is special because it is my moms birthday
happy birthday
2-day is my mom's birthday hope u have agreat 29th birthday (again)
have a great time and happy birthday.
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