I try to be all things to all people. I take pride in what I do and I try to always do my very best. I love my husband, I love my children, heck I even love my job, but lately, it's getting very hard, downright impossible to get all the things I need to get done completed. I work a 40+hr work week at a job that I really love, then try to come home and help two children finish their homework, one of whom has "issues". And trying to figure out what to feed them for supper is another ordeal. God help me if I can get people motivated to help with the little things like laundry, or dishes, or even clean a bathroom. My hardwood hasn't been swept or mopped in weeks, and let's not even discuss the inch thick dust on my tv, piano, and other furniture! Now, I'm trying to do water aerobics three nights a week to get healthier, and then there's church on Wednesday's so now I've got somewhere to go every night of the week. Figure in that I play the piano at church three Sundays a month, so I've got to work in some practice time, in addition to planning for other events at church. Keep in mind I'm doing all this pretty much alone because my husband works this crazy shift from late afternoon til past midnight, so forget any "alone" time with him or even any family time! That stinks! All I know is that something needs to change or I'm gonna lose my freakin mind!
Superwoman, I ain't!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Prayer for President Obama

God of the nations in whom we live and move and have our being, and from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, we pause at the beginning of this day's historic proceeding to invoke Thy blessings upon this beloved country of ours, and upon all who serve her highest interets.
Grant to Thy servant, the President of the United States, all needed wisdom, help, and strength as he rededicates himself anew today to the high office to which he has been called. May he continue to lead us as he is led by Thee, in the ways that make for domestic tranquillity and international accord.
Bestow upon us, our Father, the happiness which is reserved for that nation whose God is the Lord, through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, we pray, amen.
Invocation by Rev. Edward Hughes Pruden
1949 inagural of President Harry S. Truman
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Say it ain't so, Tattoo!
The star of one of my favorite childhood tv shows has died today. Ricardo Montalban, better known to me as "Mr. Roarke" from Fantasy Island passed away today at the age of 88. I absolutely loved that show, and I don't think I ever missed an episode. He always appeared so elegant and charming, and how I wanted so desperately to take one of those fantasy weekend trips that he made possible for the visitors to his island. Of course, I was only a child and didn't realize that it was fake, that in real life most grown ups can't afford $30K vacations. But it sure would be nice!
It wasn't until much later that I found out that Mr. Montalban had been acting for many years and that he was one of the first Hispanic actors to be successful in radio, films and tv. He worked with some of the finest actors of his generation, from Esther Williams to Lana Turner, and James Stewart, Shirley McClain, and Mel Blanc. He's even worked with Sammy Davis, Jr. and Lena Horne on Broadway. He's had a very long career from the 50's up until as recently as this year. Granted most of his work lately has been voice over work, due to health concerns, but it's that voice that's so familiar to us.
He never got into the "Hollywood lifestyle" as he was married to the love of his life for more than 50 yrs, a rarity these days. He retained his Mexican citizenship and never even applied for US citizenship. He was a deeply religious man, saying his faith was the most important thing in his life. We have lost not only a true talent, but an incredible, honorable, human being.
Rest in peace, Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán y Merino.
It wasn't until much later that I found out that Mr. Montalban had been acting for many years and that he was one of the first Hispanic actors to be successful in radio, films and tv. He worked with some of the finest actors of his generation, from Esther Williams to Lana Turner, and James Stewart, Shirley McClain, and Mel Blanc. He's even worked with Sammy Davis, Jr. and Lena Horne on Broadway. He's had a very long career from the 50's up until as recently as this year. Granted most of his work lately has been voice over work, due to health concerns, but it's that voice that's so familiar to us.
He never got into the "Hollywood lifestyle" as he was married to the love of his life for more than 50 yrs, a rarity these days. He retained his Mexican citizenship and never even applied for US citizenship. He was a deeply religious man, saying his faith was the most important thing in his life. We have lost not only a true talent, but an incredible, honorable, human being.
Rest in peace, Ricardo Gonzalo Pedro Montalbán y Merino.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Happy Birthday, Big E!
On this day, January 8th, in 1935 one of, if not THE most influential artist in music history was born. Elvis Aron Presley was born this day 74 years ago. It's hard to imagine Elvis as a senior citizen, which is what he would be now. Of course it's because, for us, he's forever immortalized as a man in the prime of life. I could go on about the tragedy his death was and how it shouldn't have happened, but instead I'm going to focus on being grateful for his birth. This world was blessed with his many talents and his gentle, giving spirit, and for that we should all be thankful. In that spirit, I share with you a scene from my favorite movie Elvis starred in, "Jailhouse Rock", with Elvis singing my most favorite song, "Young and Beautiful" which he will forever be.
Happy Birthday Elvis!
Happy Birthday Elvis!
Monday, January 05, 2009
a new year

So, it's a new year. And with every new year, people make resolutions. Well, I don't make resolutions. Mainly because I think they're a bunch of hooey! Promises people make to themselves, or others that they might keep for a month and then forget about. I didn't make a resolution, but I have decided that I'm going to make my lifestyle more healthy. I've decided I don't want to be like my sister and have a whole bunch of health problems because I'm obese. I got into to the habit of stopping at a fast food restaurant for breakfast every morning and then of course, I'd eat out for lunch as well. And sometimes, it was even for supper. Well, all that's stopped. I drove right past my usual place this morning and ate my peanut butter on toast with water for breakfast. I did have a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch and my one cola for the day. Now, I've had a lower calorie meal with diet tea and heck I've even been to water aerobics tonight. Yes, me. Water aerobics! And guess what? I had fun! Of course I love to be in the water, just love it! The aerobics, eh, not so much, but when you combine the aerobics with water and attending with good friends, the time just flies by and you don't even realize that you're exercising. Now, that's some exercise I can get behind!

Friday, January 02, 2009
Gingerbread men
I have wanted to construct a gingerbread house for years now, but I've never done it. Of course, now that I work at least 40hrs a week, I just don't have the time to attempt it, but luckily for us busy moms, there are companies out there that make these kits with the gimgerbread, the icing, and gumdrops all ready to use. So, this year, we thought it would be fun to try one and to keep my two children from fussing over who would get to do which part, I bought gingerbread men with 2 in each box so they would each have their own man to decorate. I divided all the gumdrops, candies etc. between the two of them and helped them with applying the icing and I think they did a fabulous job! They each decided, without my help, how to decorate each one. I bought two sets, and next we're going to do snow men, I can't wait to see what they'll lool like!

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