God knows what God is doing. Cuz she certainly knows that if Tad had been our first child, Tad would have been our ONLY child. Sometimes all I can do is shake my head in wonder and amazement at some of the things he says and does. I suppose he is like me in that regard because my loving husband has said something similar about me, however, I am not a wild storyteller, nor am I an energetic 9 yr old.
So, that being said, let me relate to you an exchange between our youngest and myself. I was getting ready for work this morning, hair, makeup, etc. when that sweet child looks me in the eye and says, "Mom, I know how to french kiss". I just about poked my eye out with my mascara wand and I'm thinking, O God, how does he know this, does he have personal experience with it? I replied with, "No you do not!". To which Tad said, "Oh yes I do". Now, I'm thinkin, okay buddy, let's just see what you think you know. "Show me" I replied. Let me just say I wish I hadn't said that because he proceeded to give me a visual. Let's just say it was a VERY GOOD visual. I. WAS. SHOCKED!!! As I stumbled to get the words out, all I could say was, "Well, I guess you do and just who did you learn this from anyway". Turns out he's been listening to some fifth graders out on the playground. I'm just dumbfounded that even 5th graders know about french kissing, I guess that just shows how old I am.
I suppose I should be comforted by the fact that Tad told me not to worry, that he never planned on french kissing with anybody anyway. Of course, I realize that he'll change in mind in a couple of years, but I am not ready to face that yet. He's still my baby....