Yes, that is the question. My pastor today asked a friend of mine and I if our sunday school class would be interested in taking control of worship for Laity Sunday. Now, I should probably explain that in the United Methodist Church, we celebrate Laity Sunday on the 3rd sunday in October and that Laity Sunday is a time when members of the Laity (you regular folk who normally sit in the pews) take over for the folks who normally do different jobs in the worship service, i.e. song leader, choir director, and of course, preaching. My sunday school class just did this 2 yrs ago and my husband's sunday school class (yes, we're in different classes and maybe I'll explain in another post) did Laity Sunday last year. Now, as my friend pointed out, there's one more ss class that could do this, but our pastor looked at us as if to say "Get real", so we kind of figured that that wouldn't happen. I should mention here that the "other" ss class is the senior adult class, not that seniors aren't more than capable of song leading, or preaching, but this group is to the point where we're just glad they're able to make it out of their homes and into the church sanctuary! So, anyhoo, as all this conversating is going on, I hear a little voice. It says, "Stacie, you preach." And I'm thinking, "WHAT?!?!" Then it says, "You heard me, You preach...You can do it". Now, was this the Lord laying on my heart or what? This whole thing makes me nervous. Not that I'm nervous to get up in front of these people, anymore that is, but the topic that's on my heart is not one that I think these folks want to hear. And I have to consider the fact that most of these people are my family, close family and do I reallly want to piss them all off? Well, not really. I suppose this is something that's going to take a lot of thought and prayer!